LLRF9/500 Commissioning at DELTA

LLRF9/500 Commissioning at DELTA

During the week of September 16-20, 2019, LLRF9/500 was commissioned at DELTA storage ring at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. The unit is configured to control two single cavity RF stations. LLRF9/500 is responsible for the main field control loops (proportional and integral), cavity tuner loops, klystron phase loop, as well as various interlock functions.

During the commissioning process, station state machine functionality was tested and deployed. The state machine handles all aspects of turning on and off the RF station, providing the operator with a simplified two button interface (TURN ON and TURN OFF). Turn on state machine performs the following steps (with adjustable timeouts);

  1. Interlock reset
  2. Clock synchronization
  3. Open-loop cavity tuning
  4. Field control loop closure
  5. Ramping to the desired operating setpoint
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