Longitudinal RF Signal Processor

Longitudinal RF Signal Processor

Longitudinal RF Signal Processor The series of FBE RF signal processors incorporates front-end and back-end electronics for a longitudinal bunch-by-bunch feedback systems. The unites are designated FBE-NNNL where NNN specifies the RF frequency. The front-end channel is designed for converting the BPM output (typically from a 4-to-1 combiner) to the baseband signal which can be directly digitized by the iGp. Front-end channel detection frequencies are around 1.5 GHz (dependent on the RF frequency). A comb filter is used to lengthen beam signal and reduce front-end sensitivity to sampling clock drifts and jitter. The back-end channel upconverts the baseband kick signal to the kicker frequency for driving the power amplifier and the kicker. The FBE interfaces to the iGp digital I/O port for control of front- and back-end attenuators and phase shifters.

Consult the price list for FBE pricing. Contact Dimtel, Inc. for customization options, and delivery schedules.

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products/longitudinal_fbe.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/04 09:26 by dimtel
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