BPMH-20-2G Specifications

BPMH-20-2G Specifications

Parameter Units Min Typ Max
Frequency range MHz 20 2000
Insertion loss dB 12 14
Amplitude balance dB 1.5 2
Phase balance degree 8.5 10
Phase non-linearity degree 12 15
Isolation dB 15 20
VSWR ratio 2.2 2.5
Lower 3 dB frequency MHz 5 10
Upper 3 dB frequency MHz 2000
ΔX to ΔY isolation, X or Y drive dB 25 30
Input power watt 0.5
Input voltage V 7.0
Connectors SMA or N

Please refer to the datasheet for more details and typical performance plots.

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products/specs/bpmh.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/03 06:44 by dimtel
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